Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Girls Photo Update

I went out and took some pictures of the girls today, to show their progress.  They are doing well and getting big!

First up, Lindy!  Lindy is due either 2/29, or 3/4-3/16.  At this point...your guess is as good as mine.  Her udder is coming along nicely for a first freshener, but her ligaments are still really firm, so she may have a while yet.  i think she will have one, but could surprise us with two (she just isn't very wide).

Next up is Amber, who is due 3/4-3/16.  She is getting quite big; I am starting to wonder if she will give us triplets?  Her ligaments are softening and her udder is coming along really nicely.  It would not surprise me if she goes in the next couple days (a few days early is common with Nigerian Dwarfs).

Next is Peekaboo, also due between 3/4-3/16.  Her udder is looking good, ligs are a bit soft.  She looks about like she did last year with twins, so we are guessing two from her this time too. (Sorry for the one pooping pictures, however it shows her udder better than the others I took).

Finally, Ali.  Ali is due either 3-4-3/16, or 4/8.  We have felt kicking baby(ies) and she is getting a nice little udder.  She does still have a ways to go yet, so I am thinking either the end of the March window, or her April date.  No guess yet on how many.

And that's the RainySunday Ranch photo update for today!  Maybe babies soon!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

2012 Babies

We have all four does kidding this year between 2/29-4/8 (could a bit early, or a bit late of that range, or course).  All kids will be registered/registerable with AGS and ADGA.  All bucklings will be sold (we have our bucks for now), and depending on how many doelings are born, there may be doelings available as well.  We retain the right to retain any kids from any/all breedings.  All kids will be pulled at birth and bottle-raised, so we have bottle babies available for purchase.

We are taking free reservations before kids are born.  You can put your name down for a specific breeding and gender, or ask to be on the general list.  Once kids are born, the first name on the list for each breeding will be notified and we will continue on down the list until all available kids are spoken for.  After the kids are born, there is a non-refundable deposit ($50 for bucklings, $75 for doelings) due within one week of the agreement (ie, we tell you there is a buckling available, show pictures, you say you want him, you have one week to get us the deposit and contract before he will be offered to someone else).

Bucklings will be $150, if you want them registered, they will be $175.
Doelings will be $250 and will all be registered.

As we are raising them as bottle babies this year, kids will be ready for their new homes once they are well-started on the bottle at 1-2 weeks old.  All kids will be tattooed, and boys can be brought back at 8-12 weeks old to be wethered if you do not want an intact male.  All kids go home with an information packet and  my email and phone if you have any questions.

See each doe's "Meet..." for pictures and more info on the doe, as well as "Meet Sunday" for more info on our buck.

Email me at rainysundayranch (at) gmail (dot) com for questions, or to be put on a reservation list.

Meet Sunday

Sunday is the buck we purchased last year as a buckling from a nearby farm (Rockstar Ranch).  He is an awesome buck!  Great personality, good dairy character, and amazing genetics!  The picture is from last summer, so he is considerably bigger, more manly and much smellier now (which is part of why there aren't any more current pictures.  The other reason is it is wet and gross here in the PNW this time of year.), but it still gives a good of idea of his overall structure, my bad picture taking aside.

Sunday is the sire of all our babies due this spring.  Next year, he will have to share the breeding honors with our other young buck, Hopscotch.  Sunday's registration paperwork is currently sitting in the inbox over at AGS, so hopefully he will be truly official soon.  His registered name will be: Rockstar Ranch Sunday Stroll. EDIT:  Sunday's registration is now in hand and he is officially registered with AGS.

Here is his pedigree (links are to pictures on other websites, I did not take the pictures, that is why I have directed you off-site to view them):

Sire: Old Mountain Farm Frankincense
       Sire's Sire: Old Mountain Farm Mithra
       Sire's Dam: 2M* AR Old Mountain Farm Nilam Bukit 7*D AR 2374
Dam: Prairie Wood Chantilly
       Dams's Sire: MCH/CH Flying Goat Jazzy Blues *S E (third picture down on this page)
       Dam's Dam: MK Abiah OB (the dam photo on this page)

Like I said, amazing udders and awesome genetics!  Super excited for these babies!

Peekaboo 2012

Peekaboo (Northern Fork Bog Peekaboo) was introduced last year when we brought her home.  She was purchased bred and kidded twin bucklings for us on Memorial Day 2011.  This year, she is bred to our buck, Sunday, and is due between March 4-16, 2012, but if she goes less than 150 days, we could be looking at 2/29.  Last year she had great udder texture, but didn't stay in milk as long as I would like, so I am excited to see if she improves this year.  She looks/feels about like she did last year, so I am hoping for at least twins again from her.  Here is her pedigree again (she is ADGA registered):

Sire: AGS MBF Kimbers Buck O Gunner
       Sire's Sire: AGS Woodhaven Farms Buck Owens
       Sire's Dam: AGS MBF Kimber
Dam: Frasers Eclipse
       Dam's Sire: AGS Tupence Matrix
       Dam's Dam: AGS Foxmeadows Luna

Last Year's Udder:

Funny Face:

*I have no idea why this is formating weird, but I can't fix it, so, at least you can read it.  Ugh, technology.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Meet Ali

Ali is our herd queen, and she rules her herd quite firmly.  She is also nearly six years old and is an old pro at kidding.  She is due possibly between March 4-16, 2012, but more likely around April 8, 2012.  Her AGS registered name is Mustang Creek Alibi.  Her pedigree:

Pictures are linked where available.  All picture links will tae you off-site to where I found the picture.  I did not take any of the pedigree pictures myself.

Sire: Maple Breeze Kodiak
       Sire's Sire: OTR Magic's Harlequin
       Sire's Dam: Phantasma QRMS Bobbie Socks
Dam:  Poppy Patch Constant Comment
       Dam's Sire: Copper Penny Black Tie Affair (scroll down, he is the first reference sire)
       Dam's Dam: Ponders End PN Ballerina

Ali is bred to our buck, Sunday, and the breeding should produce blue eyed kids, as both Ali and Sunday have blue eyes.

Meet Amber

Amber is our sweetest doe, truly our "puppy dog" goat!  Her AGS registered name is Mustang Creek Amber.  She is due to kid March 4-16, 2012 (but could be as early as Feb. 29, if she doesn't go to 150 days).  She is almost six years old and is an old pro at kidding.  We brought her to our farm last year after she had kidded, so we are excited to see what she produces this year!  Amber's pedigree:

Pictures linked where available.  All picture links take you off-site to the site where I found the picture; I did not take any of the pedigree pictures.

Sire: Maple Breeze Kodiak
       Sire's Sire: OTR Magic's Harlequin
       Sire's Dam: Phantasma QRMS Bobbie Socks (3rd picture on this page)
Dam: D&D Tiny Toes MB Roberta
       Dam's Sire: D&D KB Moneybroker
       Dam's Dam: Orchard View Dreamsicle

If you go another two generations back in her lineage, your have several ARMCH and MCH, as well as Goodwood, Twin Creeks, and Gay-mor great (and great great) grandparents.

Amber is bred to our buck, Sunday, and may produce blue eyed kids (Sunday has blue eyes).

Meet Lindy

Lindy is our youngest doe, and is due for her first kidding between February 29 and March 16, 2012 (so from Feb. 24 onward, if she went early).  Her AGS registered name is Mustang Creek Lindsay.  She is almost two years old.  Her pedigree is:

Pictures are linked where available.  I did not take these pictures, so I have linked off-site for you to view them where they originated.

Sire: Kids N Kritters Earthquake (first reference buck on this page)
       Sire's Sire: Lost Pines KW Foxglove *S
       Sire's Dam: Kids N Kritters My Angel
Dam: Camanna MM Puela
       Dam's Sire: Camanna FJ Majestic Merlin
       Dam's Dam: Camanna QR Paprika

I am really excited to see what her udder looks like as a first freshener.  She has nice long teats, so we are hoping for a great milker!  Lindy is bred to Sunday, and since he has blue eyes, we may get blue eyed kids.